Doctorate Cumulative dissertation in the Department of Geosciences

The dean should decide on admission to the doctoral examination procedure if the next conditions are all met:

Number of contributions

  1. The cumulative dissertation contains at least three scientific writings and additionally a summary introduction of about 40 pages.
  2. Of the three papers, two must have already been published or accepted in peer-reviewed scientific journals.
  3. Both journals of the published articles are among the top half of the ranking prevailing in a field. This must be demonstrated in writing in the dissertation, e.g., by listing the journals in quartiles Q1 or Q2 in the SCImago Journal Rank of the SCOPUS database in the last available year prior to the year of submission of the dissertation.

Scimago Journal Rank


The doctoral candidate is the first or equal author of at least two of the papers. This must be explicitly stated in the dissertation; in case of publication with another person by signature of the co-author, in all other cases by signature of at least two of the co-authors.

CRediT Contributor Roles Taxonomy

  1. For each publication listed, the doctoral candidate declares what contributions the individual co-authors made to the publication in question.
  2. To document the contributions made, the categories of the CRediT Contributor Roles Taxonomy are recommended.
  3. This information must be confirmed by the caregiver's signature.
  4. The supervisor further confirms by signature that the independent work contributions of the doctoral candidate to each listed publication are sufficient and significant.



The cumulative dissertation to be submitted for registration for the examination procedure should have the following structure:

  • Cover sheets
  • Short summary in German and in English (§ 7 (3) Prom.O)
  • Summary (objective, methodology, main results and resulting conclusions) about 40 pages
  • Summary bibliography
  • Publications (with details of the respective status and co-authors)
  • The Cumulative Dissertation Form must be included after each publication.
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