Faculty of Chemistry and Earth Science Admission to the final examination procedure
Please note:
Please inform yourself as early as possible about the submission formalities and the possible dates for the oral exam. For the submission of your dissertation, please make an individual appointment with us (by phone or via e-mail).
No doctoral examinations take place during the lecturefree period of the summer term.
You can access your online doctoral file at any time via the heiDOCS doctoral portal of university - section "Online doctoral file". Please continue to make sure that your data is constantly updated during the doctoral examination process.
Please DO NOT create a NEW USER ACCOUNT for yourself. An account was already created for you when you were accepted as a doctoral student. If you have forgotten your login details, please contact the Central Doctoral Students‘ Office: zdb@uni-heidelberg.de.
Doctoral Examination RegulationChecklistHeiDocs PhD PortalForms
Contact person - examination procedure
Raphaela Antimisaris
Dean's office faculty of Chemistry and Earth Science
Tel. +49 6221 54-4841
E-Mail: R.Antimisaris@uni-heidelberg.de
Monday, Wednesday, Thursday 09.00 am - 12.00 am
Im Neuenheimer Feld 234
5th floor, room 514
69120 Heidelberg