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Atmospheric CO2 forcing on Mediterranean biomes during the past 500 kyrs. A. Koutsodendris, V. Dakos, W. J. Fletcher, M. Knipping, U. Kotthoff, A. M. Milner, U. C. Müller, S. Kaboth-Bahr, O. A. Kern, L. Kolb, P. Vakhrameeva, S. Wulf, K. Christanis, G. Schmiedl, J. Pross; Nature Communications 14, 1664 (25 March 2023)
Graphitic Inclusions in Zircon from Early Phanerozoic S-type Granite: Implications for the Preservation of Hadean Biosignatures. M. Vogt, W. Schwarz, A.K. Schmitt, J. Schmitt, M. Trieloff, M. Harrison, E. Bell. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta (published online 29 March 2023).